March 31, 2019 Generations event at Cedar Mountain

Our thanks to the American Battlefield Trust for bringing their Generations event for families to Cedar Mountain!

A good time was had by all, and it was wonderful to see multiple generations — kids of all ages, parents, and grandparents — learning about the Civil War in this fun and interactive experience led by ABT’s Gary Adelman. We very much appreciate the efforts of the ABT staff members who helped make this event a success, and our thanks to everyone who participated!

Living history interpreters from the 10th Virginia Infantry Valley Guards led participants in a “school of the soldier” experience
Historic photos shared with participants by the ABT’s Gary Adelman were enhanced by wearing 3D glasses
After a mock battle, some members of the Federal and Confederate lines graciously came together for a group photo.

Read the Culpeper Star Exponent article about Cedar Mountain Battlefield’s Generations event.