It’s always our pleasure to meet visitors whose ancestors were at the Battle of Cedar Mountain. The July 20 tour group led by board member Brad Forbush included descendants of soldiers serving with the 42nd Virginia and 66th Ohio regiments. Continue reading “66th Ohio soldier Aaron Riker’s account of the battle at Cedar Mountain”
Month: July 2019
Annual battle commemoration & living history event

Photo by Buddy Secor, Ninja Pix
Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield will present the Cedar Mountain 157th Anniversary Living History Weekend on August 10 and 11, 2019. The event is free and open to all ages. Visitors will be able to choose from a variety of immersive activities designed to share the stories of Civil War soldiers and civilians before, during, and after the battle, the bloodiest day in Culpeper’s history. Continue reading “Annual battle commemoration & living history event”
Monuments at Cedar Mountain Battlefield
Contributed by Friends of Cedar Mountain board member Brad Forbush
Many visitors are surprised to learn there are five monuments on the Cedar Mountain battlefield. All but one of the battlefield monuments are on private property, which must be respected. The monuments honor the 3rd Wisconsin, the 27th Indiana, the 46th Pennsylvania, the 28th New York and the 10th Maine Infantry regiments. Continue reading “Monuments at Cedar Mountain Battlefield”
The Civil War in Culpeper and Fauquier Counties
The Upper Rappahannock River Mapping Project: The Civil War in Culpeper and Fauquier Counties, 1862-1864 documents the broad and complex historical landscape that extends across much of Virginia’s Culpeper and Fauquier Counties, anchored along the Rappahannock River. Continue reading “The Civil War in Culpeper and Fauquier Counties”