No. 37. Lieut. Col. Thomas S. Garnett.

No. 37.

Report of Lieut. Col. Thomas S. Garnett,  Forty-eighth Virginia Infantry, commanding Second Brigade.

Hdqrs. Second Brig., First Div., Army Valley District,     
Camp near Liberty Mills, Va., August 15, 1862.

     Major:  I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Second Brigade in the battle near Cedar Creek on the 9th instant: Continue reading “No. 37. Lieut. Col. Thomas S. Garnett.”

No. 38. Capt. William A. Witcher.

No. 38.

Report of Capt. W. A. Witcher, Twenty-first Virginia Infantry.

Camp Near Gordonsville, Va.,     
August 13, 1862.

     Sir:   In obedience to order I offer the following report of the Twenty-first Virginia Regiment in the battle of Slaughter Mountain on the 9th instant, which I fear will be an imperfect one, as I only took command after the fight had considerably advanced: Continue reading “No. 38. Capt. William A. Witcher.”

No. 39. Capt. Abner Dobyns.

No. 39.

Report of Capt. Abner Dobyns, Forty-second Virginia Infantry.

Camp Near Liberty Mills,     
August 13, 1862.

     Colonel:    In obedience to orders I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Forty-second Regiment Virginia Volunteers in the recent engagement at Cedar Run, Culpeper County, Virginia, on August 9: Continue reading “No. 39. Capt. Abner Dobyns.”

No. 40. Capt. James H. Horton.

No. 40.

Report of Capt. J. H. Horton, Forty-eighth Regiment Virginia Infantry.

Camp Near Liberty Mills, Va.,     
August 13, 1862.

     Lieutenant:    I herewith transmit a report of the part taken by the Forty-eighth Regiment, of the Second Brigade, commanded by Capt. William Y. C. Hannum, in the battle of the 9th instant: Continue reading “No. 40. Capt. James H. Horton.”

No. 41. Maj. John Seddon.

No. 41.

Report of Maj. John Seddon, First Virginia Battalion. 

August 14, 1862.

     Colonel:   I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the First Virginia Battalion during the late engagement with the enemy near Cedar Creek on the evening of the 9th instant: Continue reading “No. 41. Maj. John Seddon.”

No. 42. Col. Alexander G. Taliaferro.

No. 42.

Report of Col. Alexander G. Taliaferro, Twenty-third Virginia Infantry, commanding Third Brigade.

Hdqrs. Third Brigade, Army Valley [District],     
McGruder’s Farm, Orange County, Va., August 14, 1862.

     General:   I have the honor to submit the following report of the part sustained by the Third Brigade, First Division, Army Valley [District] in the battle of Cedar Creek on the 9th instant: Continue reading “No. 42. Col. Alexander G. Taliaferro.”

No. 43. Lieut. Col. James W. Jackson.

No. 43.

Report of Lieut. Col. James W. Jackson, Forty-seventh Alabama Infantry.

Camp Near Liberty Mills, Va,      
August 13, 1862.

     Colonel:   On Saturday last, 4 p. m., the 9th instant, I arrived with my regiment (the Forty-seventh Alabama) within range of the enemy’s batteries that had opened on the advancing columns of our army.  We were allowed to rest a few minutes, when we were again ordered to advance and take our position under the range of the enemy’s guns. Continue reading “No. 43. Lieut. Col. James W. Jackson.”

No. 44. Lieut. Col. Abner A. Hughes.

No. 44.

Report of Lieut. Col. Abner A. Hughes, Forty-eighth Alabama Infantry.

August 13, 1862. 

     Sir:    I have the honor of submitting the following report of the movements of the Forty-eighth Regiment Alabama Volunteers during the engagement on the 9th instant at Cedar Creek: Continue reading “No. 44. Lieut. Col. Abner A. Hughes.”

No. 45. Maj. Joshua Stover.

No. 45.

Report of Maj. Joshua Stover, Tenth Virginia Infantry.

Camp Frescatti, Va.,      
August 13, 1862.

     In accordance with orders from Headquarters Third Brigade I have the honor to submit the following report of the services rendered by the Tenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, in the Third Brigade, Army Valley [District], in the battle of Cedar Run on August 9 : Continue reading “No. 45. Maj. Joshua Stover.”

No. 46. Lieut. Col. Simon T. Walton.

No. 46.

Report of Lieut. Col. Simon T. Walton, Twenty-third Virginia Infantry.

August 13, 1862.  

     The Twenty-third Virginia Regiment left its camp at this place with the rest of the army on the evening of August 7.  It marched about 8 miles that night and bivouacked near Orange Court-House. Continue reading “No. 46. Lieut. Col. Simon T. Walton.”