No. 26. General Robert E. Lee.

No. 26.

Report of General Robert E. Lee, C. S. Army, commanding Army of Northern Virginia.

Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia,          
April 18, 1863.

     General S. Cooper,
              Adjutant and Inspector General, C. S. Army, Richmond, Va.:

       General:   I respectfully submit herewith my report of the operations of this army from the battles before Richmond* to and including the battle of Cedar Mountain.  The accompanying documents comprising reports of subordinate commanders, &c., are designated in the schedule attached to my report. Continue reading “No. 26. General Robert E. Lee.”

No. 28. Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson.

No. 28.

Reports of Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, C.S. Army, commanding Valley District, with congratulations from General R. E. Lee.

Near Locust Dale,  August 9, 1862.

      General:   I am not making much progress.  The enemy’s cavalry yesterday and last night also threatened my train.  Eight of their number, including 3 officers, were captured by Colonel Flournoy yesterday.  None were captured last night so far as heard. Continue reading “No. 28. Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson.”

No. 29. Col. Stapleton Crutchfield.

No. 29.

Report of Col. S. Crutchfield, C. S. Army, Chief of Artillery.

Headquarters Artillery Second Corps,       
March 14, 1863.

     Colonel:   I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the artillery of this army corps in the battle of Cedar Run of August 9, 1862: Continue reading “No. 29. Col. Stapleton Crutchfield.”

No. 30. Brig. Gen. William B. Taliaferro.

No. 30.

Report of Brig. Gen. William B. Taliaferro, C. S. Army, commanding First Division.

Headquarters First Division, Valley Army,                 
Camp near Liberty Mills, Va., August 13, 1862.

      Captain:  By direction of the major-general commanding I have the honor to report the operations of my command on the 9th instant, during the engagement near Cedar Run: Continue reading “No. 30. Brig. Gen. William B. Taliaferro.”