Lt. Nathaniel Terry.

Report of Lieutenant Nathaniel Terry, John R. Johnson’s Virginia Battery, of the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia, August 9, 1862.

       Report of the positions occupied by Johnson’s Battery and the number of men wounded in the engagement of August 9, 1862.

       First position of howitzers, 400 yards southeast [of the] Hospital. Continue reading “Lt. Nathaniel Terry.”

No. 66. William E. Jones.

No. 66.

Report of Col. William E. Jones, Seventh Virginia Cavalry.

Orange Court-House, Va.,
August 14, 1862.

     Sir: I have the honor to report that on the 9th instant my regiment was ordered on a reconnaissance near Madison Court-House. The march of 25 miles was made by sundown and without incident or discovery worthy of record. On returning to camp we first learned that the battle of Cedar Run had been progressing the greater part of the day, and moved on without a moment’s delay to the scene of action. Continue reading “No. 66. William E. Jones.”