No. 58.
Report of Lieut. Col. R. L. Walker, C. S. Army, commanding Artillery Battalion, Light Division.
March ,— 1863
Major: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the artillery of the Light Division in the battle of Cedar Run. August 9:
At about 3 p.m., all my batteries being in park near the house of ___ ___, I received an order from Maj. Gen. A. P. Hill to carry forward all my long-range guns, which order I immediately obeyed, but was unable to get more than two of my batteries in position, as the road was so blocked up with wagons and ambulances as to prevent any more artillery from reaching the front. The two batteries placed in position were those of Captains Pegram and Fleet. I posted them in position on the field and near the center, passing through the gate, at which I found Captain Caskie’s battery, which had converged the fire of the enemy to a point necessary to be passed by all of our troops. Captain Pegram’s battery and Captain Fleet’s battery, the latter commanded by Lieut. W. B. Hardy, were posted, as stated above, near the center of the field and within 150 yards of the enemy’s skirmishers, Lieutenant Hardy being in front. These batteries were supported by the brigade of Brigadier-General Early, and held their position for at least half an hour, and after the infantry, with the exception of the Thirteenth Virginia Regiment, had fallen back from them. So soon as I saw the Light Division make its appearance I ordered the batteries to retire, the loss in both men and horses being considerable. Reports of these losses have already been made to the proper officer.
I moved forward as soon as possible with all the artillery at my command, and by General Hill’s order brought the batteries of Captains Pegram, Braxton, Latham, and a part of Captain Fleet’s battery, to bear upon the point supposed to be occupied by the enemy.
At 10 o’clock that night, after firing about eight rounds from each gun, Captain Pegram was sent forward with Colonel Stafford’s brigade and had for an hour or more a severe fight with the enemy, losing several men and horses and inflicting considerable loss upon the enemy.
Next morning at daylight I was ordered by General Hill to select a position much to our left and on south side of the creek, which I did, placing two batteries of mine, viz, Captains Fleet’s and Davidson’s, and one of General Early’s. This position commanded the enemy’s camp, somewhat to their rear.
Captain Pegram and Lieutenant Hardy inflicted great loss on the enemy on Saturday evening, and their conduct, with that of the men under their command, cannot be too highly commended.
The batteries of my command were all retired on Sunday evening, Captain Braxton bringing up the rear and retiring by half battery.
I have the honor to remain, major, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Artillery Battalion.