Thank you to Park Day volunteers

We’re very grateful to the volunteers who came out on Saturday, April 9, for Park Day. Trimmers, rakes and other tools came out of cars, gloves were put on, and everyone dove right in to work!

Thirteen volunteers and several of our board members tackled the following projects: cleaning battlefield signage and trimming around signage posts; trimming back shrubbery and weeding around the meeting house; cleaning the cannons; working in the field to cut back overgrown bushes and clear downed limbs; raking debris from the cemeteries; and picking up litter along the road frontage – 9 bags. 

The group wrapped up with lunch and volunteers received American Battlefield Trust water bottles to take home. The weather was crisp and sunny, all the better to highlight the newly cleaned up battlefield!

It was our pleasure to welcome back familiar faces and also get to know some new volunteers. We truly appreciate the contributions made by this hardworking group. Park Day is well timed to prepare the battlefield for the busy spring and summer months. Keeping the battlefield pristine supports a great experience for all visitors!

With appreciation to Jennifer Michael for the photos that follow.

Weedwacking and raking around the meeting house
Cutting back growth and picking up debris along the Orange-Culpeper road trace
Signage cleaning
Litter pick up along General Winder Road – 9 bags
A perfect day for Park Day!