No. 30. Brig. Gen. William B. Taliaferro.

No. 30.

Report of Brig. Gen. William B. Taliaferro, C. S. Army, commanding First Division.

Headquarters First Division, Valley Army,                 
Camp near Liberty Mills, Va., August 13, 1862.

      Captain:  By direction of the major-general commanding I have the honor to report the operations of my command on the 9th instant, during the engagement near Cedar Run: Continue reading “No. 30. Brig. Gen. William B. Taliaferro.”

No. 42. Col. Alexander G. Taliaferro.

No. 42.

Report of Col. Alexander G. Taliaferro, Twenty-third Virginia Infantry, commanding Third Brigade.

Hdqrs. Third Brigade, Army Valley [District],     
McGruder’s Farm, Orange County, Va., August 14, 1862.

     General:   I have the honor to submit the following report of the part sustained by the Third Brigade, First Division, Army Valley [District] in the battle of Cedar Creek on the 9th instant: Continue reading “No. 42. Col. Alexander G. Taliaferro.”

No. 43. Lieut. Col. James W. Jackson.

No. 43.

Report of Lieut. Col. James W. Jackson, Forty-seventh Alabama Infantry.

Camp Near Liberty Mills, Va,      
August 13, 1862.

     Colonel:   On Saturday last, 4 p. m., the 9th instant, I arrived with my regiment (the Forty-seventh Alabama) within range of the enemy’s batteries that had opened on the advancing columns of our army.  We were allowed to rest a few minutes, when we were again ordered to advance and take our position under the range of the enemy’s guns. Continue reading “No. 43. Lieut. Col. James W. Jackson.”

No. 45. Maj. Joshua Stover.

No. 45.

Report of Maj. Joshua Stover, Tenth Virginia Infantry.

Camp Frescatti, Va.,      
August 13, 1862.

     In accordance with orders from Headquarters Third Brigade I have the honor to submit the following report of the services rendered by the Tenth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, in the Third Brigade, Army Valley [District], in the battle of Cedar Run on August 9 : Continue reading “No. 45. Maj. Joshua Stover.”

No. 47. Maj. Henry C. Wood.

No. 47.

Report of Maj. H. C. Wood, Thirty-seventh Virginia Infantry.

Camp Near Gordonsville, Va.,       
August 13, 1862.

     In making my report of the part acted by the Thirty-seventh Regiment in the action on Cedar Creek on the 9th instant, it is necessary for me to state that it was late in the engagement when the command devolved on me, consequently I was not informed as to the position we were to take until after we had gone on the field. Continue reading “No. 47. Maj. Henry C. Wood.”