No. 28. Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson.

No. 28.

Reports of Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, C.S. Army, commanding Valley District, with congratulations from General R. E. Lee.

Near Locust Dale,  August 9, 1862.

      General:   I am not making much progress.  The enemy’s cavalry yesterday and last night also threatened my train.  Eight of their number, including 3 officers, were captured by Colonel Flournoy yesterday.  None were captured last night so far as heard. Continue reading “No. 28. Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson.”

No. 31. Col. Charles A. Ronald.

No. 31.

Report of Col. Charles A. Ronald, Fourth Virginia Infantry, commanding First Brigade.

Hdqrs. First Brig., Virginia Vols., Valley District,     
August 15, 1862.

      Sir:    Before the brigade became engaged in the battle of Cedar Run, on Saturday, the 9th, Brig. Gen. Charles S. Winder was mortally wounded, whereupon the command devolved on me.  In obedience to your order, therefore, I have the honor to submit the following report of the pat taken by the First Brigade in the battle of Cedar Run, Culpeper County, on the 9th instant: Continue reading “No. 31. Col. Charles A. Ronald.”

No. 50. Maj. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill.

No. 50.

Report of Maj. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill, C. S. Army, commanding Light Division.

Headquarters Light Division,     
Camp Gregg,  March 8, 1863.

     Colonel:    I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Light Division, under my command, at the battle of Cedar Run: Continue reading “No. 50. Maj. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill.”

No. 52. Brig. Gen. James J. Archer.

No. 52.

Report of Brig. Gen. James J. Archer, C. S. Army, commanding _____ Brigade.

Headquarters Archer’s Brigade,                  
General A. P. Hill’s Light Division,        

August 14, 1862.

     Major:   I have the honor to report that early in the morning of the 9th instant I marched with my brigade, about 1,200 strong, constituting a part of Major-General Hill’s division, from Orange Court-House toward the battle-field.   Continue reading “No. 52. Brig. Gen. James J. Archer.”

No. 57. Brig. Gen. William D. Pender.

No. 57.

Report of Brig. Gen. William D. Pender, C. S. Army, commanding Sixth Brigade.

Headquarters Sixth Brigade, Light Division,    
[August 21?], 1862.

     General:    I have the honor to state that, in obedience to your orders, I formed my brigade on the left of General Archer’s, on the left of the road going from Cedar Run to Culpeper, in the battle on the 9th instant.  Continue reading “No. 57. Brig. Gen. William D. Pender.”

Capt. John Ashford, 38th NC.

      Account of Captain John Ashford, Thirty-eight North Carolina Troops, of operations July 29-August 30, 1862, including the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia.

       Sir:   I will give you a short history of the Thirty-eighth Regiment of North Carolina Troops from July 29 to August 30, 1862.

       The regiment left Camp Randolph near Richmond on July 29 and marched to Richmond, thence by rail to Gordonsville on the morning of July 30, where we bivouacked until the next morning. Continue reading “Capt. John Ashford, 38th NC.”